Monday, April 18, 2005

Some more.....

Secret Window Johnny Depp

Very entertaining mind thriller....type of movie.. like this one a lot...

Under Siege Tommy Lee Jones Steven Segal

Actually saw both Undersiege movies this last week.. both have their moments... both are good.. couple of Mr Segals better movies.. not saying much there tho... watching Mr Jones as the bad guy tho, highly entertaining...

Tears of the Sun Bruce Willis

This movie is about the atrocities happening in Africa, and how one person can make a difference.. Willis is a Navy Seal squad leader type guy, strictly by the book, strictly following orders.. but, after time, years and years, we get to finally see the humanity in this character break free..... doing the right thing when everything you have been taught tells you not to.. very well made movie.. directed by Antoine Fuqoa(sp)

The Assignment Anthony Hopkins Chris Rock

This was a fun lil movie.. Chris Rock was not the right person for the character he played... Hopkins tho, he was dead on... movie is about a cia person who gets killed and Hopkins recruits his twin brother to finish an assignment. Rock plays the brothers....

The Fugitive Tommy Lee Jones Harrison Ford

US Marshalls Tommy Lee Jones Wesley Snipes

Mr Jones as the good guy is just as appealing as him as the bad guy... the first one is better than the second, but, both are very good movies...

Sahara - Steve Zahn Matthew M. Penelope Cruz

A fun movie.. lots of movie spent on TNT, NITRO, C4, or whatever they use to blow stuff up, and a lot of stuff get blowed up.... The acting is sort of, missing, but, still a fun movie for a matinee.... Bit of violence, but no nudity or sexual content... don't recall any scenes that were overly graphic...

Coming Soon


Finding Neverland

Stu Unger:HighRoller


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